How To Make Cats Drop Game Using JavaScript With Source Code

In the ever-evolving landscape of online gaming, a new trend is sweeping through the virtual world, captivating the hearts of players and cat enthusiasts alike. Enter the enchanting realm of Cats Drop Game, where feline charm meets thrilling gameplay.

This article will delve into the intriguing universe of Cats Drop Game, exploring its origins, features, and the purr-ks that make it a standout in the gaming arena.

About Cats Drop Game

Cats Drop Game is a delightful mobile game that combines elements of strategy, entertainment, and, of course, adorable cats. Developed by a team of passionate game designers, this mobile sensation has quickly gained popularity for its unique approach to casual gaming.

The premise is simple yet captivating – players navigate a series of challenges by strategically dropping cute, animated cats onto various platforms. As these feline avatars bounce and tumble, players aim to achieve specific objectives, earning points and unlocking new levels along the way.

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How To Build Cats Drop Game Using JavaScript Step-by-Step


1.1 Overview of the Cats Drop Game

The Cats Drop game is a charming and interactive web-based game designed to entertain users with a delightful and engaging experience. Players control a cute cat character at the bottom of the screen, tasked with catching falling objects—presumably, the cat’s favorite toys—as they descend from the top of the game board.

1.2 Purpose of the Game

The primary objective of the Cats Drop game is to challenge players’ reflexes and coordination. By controlling the cat character’s movements, players aim to catch as many falling objects as possible within a given time frame. The game combines elements of skill and strategy, providing an enjoyable and immersive gaming experience for users of all ages.

1.3 Technologies Used

The Cats Drop game is developed using a combination of web technologies to create a seamless and interactive user interface. The key technologies employed in building the game include:

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): Utilized for structuring the basic framework of the game, including the game board and user interface elements.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Employed for styling and visually enhancing the game, including the layout, colors, and animations.
  • JavaScript: The game logic and interactivity are implemented using JavaScript, enabling dynamic features such as player control, object movement, and scoring.

Setting Up the Project

2.1 Creating the Project Folder Structure

Before diving into the coding process, establish a well-organized folder structure for your Cats Drop game project. This helps maintain a clean and manageable codebase. A suggested structure may look like:


|– css/
| |– style.css
|– js/
| |– script.js
|– images/
| |– cat.png
| |– toy1.png
| |– toy2.png
| |– …
|– index.html

  • css: Store your CSS files, such as style.css, responsible for styling the game elements.
  • js: Keep your JavaScript files, like script.js, containing the game logic and interactivity.
  • images: Store image assets, such as the cat character and falling object images.

2.2 Setting up HTML File

Create the main HTML file, index.html, to structure the basic layout of your Cats Drop game. Here’s a basic template to start with:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”css/style.css”>
<title>Cats Drop Game</title>
<div id=”game-board”>
<!– Game content goes here –>

<script src=”js/script.js”></script>

  • DOCTYPE declaration: Specifies the HTML version.
  • Viewport meta tag: Ensures proper rendering on various devices.
  • Link to CSS: Connects the HTML file to the stylesheet for styling.
  • Game board div: Placeholder for the game content.
  • Script tag: Links the HTML file to the JavaScript file for game logic.

2.3 Linking CSS and JavaScript Files

In the head section of index.html, you linked the CSS file. Now, create the linked files:

  • style.css: Add styles to enhance the visual appeal and layout of the game elements.
  • script.js: Develop the game logic, including cat movement, object generation, collision detection, and scoring.

Now you have a solid foundation for building your Cats Drop game!

Creating the Game Board

3.1 Designing the Game Board Layout using HTML and CSS

In this step, you’ll create the structure of the game board using HTML and apply basic styling with CSS.

HTML (index.html):

<!– Inside the #game-board div in index.html –>
<div id=”game-board”>
<div class=”cat”></div>
<!– Add falling object elements dynamically using JavaScript –>

CSS (style.css):

/* Inside style.css */
#game-board {
position: relative;
width: 400px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 600px; /* Adjust as needed */
margin: 20px auto; /* Center the game board */
border: 2px solid #000; /* Add a border for visibility */
overflow: hidden; /* Hide overflowing objects */

.cat {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
width: 50px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 50px; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/cat.png’) center/cover;

3.2 Styling the Game Board

This CSS code provides a basic structure for the game board. The #game-board div serves as the container for the game, and the .cat class represents the cat character. Adjust the width, height, and background image size based on your design preferences.

3.3 Adding a Background Image for the Game Board

To enhance the visual appeal of the game board, you can add a background image.

CSS (style.css):

/* Add this to style.css */
#game-board {
/* … (previous styles) */
background: url(‘path/to/your/background-image.jpg’) center/cover;

Replace 'path/to/your/background-image.jpg' with the actual path to your background image. This image will be displayed as the backdrop of the game board.

Now, your game board has a basic layout, styling, and a background image, setting the stage for the addition of the cat character and falling objects in the subsequent steps.

Adding the Cat Character

4.1 Creating a Cat Character using HTML and CSS

HTML (index.html):

<!– Inside the #game-board div in index.html –>
<div id=”game-board”>
<div class=”cat” id=”player”></div>
<!– Add falling object elements dynamically using JavaScript –>

4.2 Positioning the Cat on the Game Board

CSS (style.css):

/* Inside style.css */
#game-board {
/* … (previous styles) */

#player {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
width: 50px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 50px; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/cat.png’) center/cover;

4.3 Adding Movement Functionality to the Cat using JavaScript

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Get the player element
const player = document.getElementById(‘player’);

// Set initial position
let playerPosition = 50; // Adjust as needed

// Set the speed of the player’s movement
const playerSpeed = 10; // Adjust as needed

// Event listener for keyboard input (left and right arrow keys)
document.addEventListener(‘keydown’, (event) => {
if (event.key === ‘ArrowLeft’ && playerPosition > 0) {
// Move the player to the left
playerPosition -= playerSpeed;
} else if (event.key === ‘ArrowRight’ && playerPosition < (100 – player.offsetWidth)) {
// Move the player to the right
playerPosition += playerSpeed;

// Update the player’s position = `${playerPosition}%`;

These steps create the cat character on the game board, position it at the bottom center, and enable left and right movement using the arrow keys. Adjust the sizes, initial position, and movement speed as needed for your game.

Now, your Cats Drop game has a controllable cat character ready to catch falling objects!

Implementing Falling Objects

5.1 Creating Falling Objects (e.g., Objects Representing Cats’ Toys)

HTML (index.html):

<!– Inside the #game-board div in index.html –>
<div id=”game-board”>
<div class=”cat” id=”player”></div>
<!– Add falling object elements dynamically using JavaScript –>

5.2 Defining the Behavior of Falling Objects

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Function to create a falling object
function createFallingObject() {
const fallingObject = document.createElement(‘div’);
fallingObject.classList.add(‘falling-object’); = `${Math.random() * 80 + 10}%`; // Random horizontal position

// Function to move falling objects
function moveFallingObjects() {
const fallingObjects = document.querySelectorAll(‘.falling-object’);

fallingObjects.forEach((object) => {
const position = object.offsetTop;
const newPosition = position + 5; // Adjust the speed of falling as needed

// Check if the object is still within the game board
if (newPosition < window.innerHeight) { = `${newPosition}px`;
} else {
// Remove the object if it’s beyond the game board

// Create falling objects at intervals
setInterval(() => {
}, 2000); // Adjust the interval as needed

5.3 Generating Random Falling Objects on the Game Board

CSS (style.css):

/* Inside style.css */
#game-board {
/* … (previous styles) */

.falling-object {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 30px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 30px; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/toy.png’) center/cover; /* Use an image representing a cat’s toy */

In this step, the script creates falling objects with the class falling-object and animates them by gradually moving them down the game board. The objects are created at random horizontal positions and removed when they go beyond the game board’s height.

Make sure to replace 'images/toy.png' with the actual path to an image representing a cat’s toy.

Now, your Cats Drop game has dynamic falling objects that the cat character can interact with!

Handling Collisions

6.1 Detecting Collisions between the Cat and Falling Objects

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Function to detect collisions between two elements
function isColliding(element1, element2) {
const rect1 = element1.getBoundingClientRect();
const rect2 = element2.getBoundingClientRect();

return !( > rect2.bottom ||
rect1.right < rect2.left ||
rect1.bottom < ||
rect1.left > rect2.right

// Update the game loop to include collision detection
function updateGame() {

const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);
const fallingObjects = document.querySelectorAll(‘.falling-object’);

fallingObjects.forEach((object) => {
if (isColliding(cat, object)) {
// Collision detected, handle accordingly (update score, end game, etc.)

// Add any other game logic as needed

// Set up the game loop
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000 / 60); // Adjust the interval as needed

6.2 Updating the Game Score on Successful Catches

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

let score = 0;

// Function to handle collisions and update the score
function handleCollision(object) {
// Check if the collided object is a falling toy
if (object.classList.contains(‘falling-object’)) {
// Increment the score

// Remove the collided object

// Function to update the displayed score
function updateScore() {
const scoreElement = document.getElementById(‘score’);
scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${score}`;

HTML (index.html):

<!– Add this inside the body of index.html, above the script tag –>
<div id=”score”>Score: 0</div>

6.3 Ending the Game on Collisions with Unwanted Objects

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Function to handle collisions and update the score
function handleCollision(object) {
// Check if the collided object is a falling toy
if (object.classList.contains(‘falling-object’)) {
// Increment the score

// Remove the collided object
} else {
// Collided with an unwanted object, end the game

// Function to end the game
function endGame() {
alert(`Game Over! Your final score is ${score}.`);
// You can add additional logic for restarting the game or navigating to a game-over screen
location.reload(); // For simplicity, reload the page to restart the game

Now, the Cats Drop game detects collisions between the cat and falling objects, updates the score on successful catches, and ends the game if there’s a collision with unwanted objects.

Implementing Game Controls

7.1 Adding Keyboard or Touch Controls for Moving the Cat

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

let isGameRunning = false;

// Event listener for keyboard input (left and right arrow keys)
document.addEventListener(‘keydown’, (event) => {
if (isGameRunning) {
const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);

if (event.key === ‘ArrowLeft’ && cat.offsetLeft > 0) {
// Move the player to the left = `${cat.offsetLeft – 10}px`;
} else if (event.key === ‘ArrowRight’ && cat.offsetLeft < (window.innerWidth – cat.offsetWidth)) {
// Move the player to the right = `${cat.offsetLeft + 10}px`;

// Event listener for touch controls
let touchStartX;

document.addEventListener(‘touchstart’, (event) => {
if (isGameRunning) {
touchStartX = event.touches[0].clientX;

document.addEventListener(‘touchmove’, (event) => {
if (isGameRunning) {
const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);
const touchMoveX = event.touches[0].clientX;

// Calculate the horizontal distance moved
const deltaX = touchMoveX – touchStartX;

// Update the cat’s position based on the touch input = `${Math.max(0, Math.min(window.innerWidth – cat.offsetWidth, cat.offsetLeft + deltaX))}px`;

// Update the starting position for the next move event
touchStartX = touchMoveX;

7.2 Implementing Controls for Starting and Restarting the Game

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Function to start or restart the game
function startGame() {
// Reset the score
score = 0;

// Remove existing falling objects
const fallingObjects = document.querySelectorAll(‘.falling-object’);
fallingObjects.forEach((object) => object.remove());

// Start the game loop
isGameRunning = true;

// Event listener for starting or restarting the game
document.addEventListener(‘keydown’, (event) => {
if (event.key === ‘Enter’ && !isGameRunning) {

Now, your Cats Drop game has controls for moving the cat using both keyboard and touch inputs. Additionally, you can start or restart the game by pressing the “Enter” key.

Styling and Animations

8.1 Enhancing the Visual Appeal with CSS Animations

CSS (style.css):

/* Inside style.css */

/* Add a subtle animation to the falling objects */
.falling-object {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 30px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 30px; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/toy.png’) center/cover; /* Use an image representing a cat’s toy */
animation: fallAnimation 2s linear infinite; /* Adjust duration and timing function as needed */

@keyframes fallAnimation {
to {
transform: translateY(100vh); /* Move the object down the viewport height */

/* Add a bounce animation to the cat when catching an object */
#player {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
width: 50px; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 50px; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/cat.png’) center/cover;
transition: transform 0.2s ease; /* Add a smooth transition to the transform property */

#player.catching {
transform: translateY(-20px); /* Adjust the bounce height as needed */

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Function to handle collisions and update the score
function handleCollision(object) {
const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);

// Check if the collided object is a falling toy
if (object.classList.contains(‘falling-object’)) {
// Increment the score

// Add a catching animation to the cat
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200); // Adjust the duration of the bounce animation

// Remove the collided object
} else {
// Collided with an unwanted object, end the game

8.2 Adding Sound Effects on Certain Events

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

// Function to play a sound effect
function playSound(soundPath) {
const audio = new Audio(soundPath);;

// Modify the handleCollision function to play a sound on successful catches
function handleCollision(object) {
const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);

// Check if the collided object is a falling toy
if (object.classList.contains(‘falling-object’)) {
// Increment the score

// Add a catching animation to the cat
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200); // Adjust the duration of the bounce animation

// Play a sound effect on successful catch

// Remove the collided object
} else {
// Collided with an unwanted object, end the game
// Play a different sound effect for game over

Now, your Cats Drop game has enhanced visual appeal with CSS animations for falling objects and a bouncing animation for the cat when catching objects. Additionally, sound effects are played on successful catches and when the game ends.

Scoring System

9.1 Designing a Scoring System for the Game

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

let score = 0;

// Function to handle collisions and update the score
function handleCollision(object) {
const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);

// Check if the collided object is a falling toy
if (object.classList.contains(‘falling-object’)) {
// Increment the score

// Add a catching animation to the cat
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200); // Adjust the duration of the bounce animation

// Play a sound effect on successful catch

// Remove the collided object
} else {
// Collided with an unwanted object, end the game
// Play a different sound effect for game over

// Function to update the displayed score
function updateScore() {
const scoreElement = document.getElementById(‘score’);
scoreElement.textContent = `Score: ${score}`;

9.2 Displaying the Current Score on the Game Board

HTML (index.html):

<!– Add this inside the body of index.html, above the script tag –>
<div id=”score”>Score: 0</div>

CSS (style.css):

/* Add this to style.css */
#score {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
font-size: 1.5em;
color: white;

Now, your Cats Drop game has a scoring system that increments with successful catches, and the current score is displayed on the game board.

Optimizing for Mobile Devices

10.1 Ensuring Responsiveness for Various Screen Sizes

CSS (style.css):

/* Inside style.css */

#game-board {
position: relative;
width: 80%; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 60vh; /* Adjust as needed */
margin: 20px auto; /* Center the game board */
border: 2px solid #000; /* Add a border for visibility */
overflow: hidden; /* Hide overflowing objects */

#player {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
width: 10%; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 10%; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/cat.png’) center/cover;

.falling-object {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 5%; /* Adjust as needed */
height: 5%; /* Adjust as needed */
background: url(‘images/toy.png’) center/cover; /* Use an image representing a cat’s toy */
animation: fallAnimation 2s linear infinite; /* Adjust duration and timing function as needed */

#score {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
font-size: 2em; /* Adjust as needed */
color: white;

10.2 Testing and Adjusting Touch Controls for Mobile Devices

JavaScript (script.js):

// Inside script.js

let touchStartX;

document.addEventListener(‘touchstart’, (event) => {
if (isGameRunning) {
touchStartX = event.touches[0].clientX;

document.addEventListener(‘touchmove’, (event) => {
if (isGameRunning) {
const cat = document.getElementById(‘player’);
const touchMoveX = event.touches[0].clientX;

// Calculate the horizontal distance moved
const deltaX = touchMoveX – touchStartX;

// Update the cat’s position based on the touch input = `${Math.max(0, Math.min(window.innerWidth – cat.offsetWidth, cat.offsetLeft + deltaX))}px`;

// Update the starting position for the next move event
touchStartX = touchMoveX;

Ensure to thoroughly test your Cats Drop game on various mobile devices and adjust the styles and touch controls as needed to provide a smooth and enjoyable experience for mobile users.

How To Use This Source Code On Your Text Editors

To use the source code for your Cats Drop game in a text editor, follow these general steps. I’ll assume you are using a common text editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom:

Open a Text Editor:

Create a Project Folder:

  • Create a new folder on your computer where you want to store your Cats Drop game project.

Download the Source Code:

Copy the source code provided for each section (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and paste it into separate files in your project folder.

  • Save the HTML file with a “.html” extension (e.g., index.html).
  • Save the CSS file with a “.css” extension (e.g., style.css).
  • Save the JavaScript file with a “.js” extension (e.g., script.js).

Organize Files:

  • Place your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files in the project folder you created.

Add Images:

  • If your game uses images (for the cat, toys, etc.), create an “images” folder within your project folder and place the image files there.

Open the HTML File:

  • Open the HTML file (e.g., index.html) in your text editor.

Live Preview (Optional):

  • Many text editors, including Visual Studio Code, offer live preview features. You can use extensions or built-in features to see your changes in real-time as you edit the code.

Open in Web Browser:

  • Right-click on the HTML file and choose “Open with” or simply double-click on it. This will open your Cats Drop game in your default web browser.

Modify and Customize:

  • You can now modify the code, add features, or customize the game to suit your preferences. Make changes to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files as needed.

Test and Debug:

  • Regularly test your game in the web browser to ensure that your changes are working as expected. Use the browser’s developer tools to debug and inspect elements if needed.

Further Enhancements:

  • If you want to add more features, optimize performance, or make visual improvements, continue editing the code and experimenting with additional functionalities.


In conclusion, Cats Drop Game has proven to be more than just a fleeting trend in the gaming world. Its endearing cat characters, innovative gameplay mechanics, diverse environments, and social integration make it a standout in the realm of mobile gaming.

As players continue to embark on this whiskered adventure, the game’s popularity is expected to soar to new heights.

So, whether you’re a dedicated gamer or a casual player looking for a delightful escape, Cats Drop Game invites you to immerse yourself in a world where strategic thinking meets feline charm. Get ready to drop, bounce, and conquer – the whiskered wonderland awaits!

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