Facebook Widget For Website: Place Your Facebook Page Widget

When we build a web project or website then we need to include some social media widget for website. Facebook is the number one social media for promoting or marketing our website or products. That’s why first we try to add the facebook widget for website. Facebook page widget can help us to increase our follower on Facebook by pressing the like button when visitors came.

In this post, I will be showing you how to add a facebook widget for website with facebook widget HTML.

facebook widget for website, facebook page widget, social media widget

Why You Should Use Facebook Page Widget 

Before showing the process of how can you add facebook page widget in your website or blog. I wanna describe to you how important it is and why you use it on your website navigation system.

Facebook took the number one position in the world of social media, you know? When people try to start a blog or e-commerce or something on online then first they target for the visitors of Facebook..!

Facebook bots have a nice special system for gather targeted visitors. You can rich your sale via Facebook page campaign, you can gather more visitors for brand your business with facebook page..!

So, when you start your online business in a website then for social media work first you need to create a Facebook page with the name of your company or website to future branding. Then your next work is adding the facebook page widget on your website and increase your follower with website visitors and boosting.

When news visitors will visit your website then they influenced for like your facebook page if you add the facebook page widget on your website. And you can play call to action on your facebook page for your visitors attraction. 

Finally, you can understand why you should add the facebook widget to the website, right? 

So, let’s we can see how to add it to your site or blog with following some steps is really simple.

Facebook Page Widget For Website

In the first step, you just copy these codes are appearing below.

<center><div class=”fb-page” data-href=”https://www.facebook.com/megaupdate24” data-width=”360″ data-small-header=”false” data-adapt-container-width=”true” data-hide-cover=”false” data-show-facepile=”true”></div></center>

Now you just replace your facebook page URL with yellow color URL.

Then you log in your dashboard of your website and create an HTML blank widget where you want to place the facebook page widget and paste the codes which you copied already.

And you are done…! 

Hopefully, you can successfully add the facebook page widget and clear about is it really need facebook widget for website. If you face any other problem don’t avoid the comment section for asking me. I will try to solve your problem. 

Share it on your own social media with your very own buddies. You know sharing is caring.

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