{On Page SEO}: The Ultimate Guide of Google Blogspot Bloggers

The vast majority of online projects have a web behind. If one of the goals is to attract traffic, we can not forget Google: the search we can provide most of our traffic, so we must work our SEO On Page to perfection.

On-Page SEO, On-Page SEO: The Ultimate Guide, On-Page SEO: The Ultimate Guide of Blogspot's Bloggers

If most of your traffic are not organic, it is that something you’re not doing well. Check the status of your blog site must be a priority.

In this article we have prepared an infographic, analyzing all elements (On Page SEO factors) that should have a page to be perfectly optimized level SEO On Page. Prepare to read the definitive guide to On Page SEO. Everything worked out in 2015 and operating in 2016.

Recommended: On-Page SEO: System of a Perfectly Optimized Page/Post.


On Page, SEO are all actions that are performed internally (within a site) that aim to improve the SEO or web visibility in search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo …etc. Many people call this practice on page SEO or SEO positioning, but that is redundant since both have the same meaning.

In This article we know it is not easy to position for certain searches, so we have structured this guide in the most important elements you should consider in your SEO analysis to optimize your categories.


If not the most important, the most important elements in your optimization to improve On Page SEO. In the title target, the main Keyword should appear by which we appear, and includes secondary Keywords and if the mark is possible. In some cases, Google added the mark in the title. SEO title intended as a brief description of the contents of a page. It is very important to both the user experience and optimizing search engines.

Recommended: How to Seo Optimize Blogger Blog Post Titles Updated.

Generally, if we have to put some rules for writing titles, 
we can say that:
Length: Search engines are shown only the first 55-60 characters of a title tag in search results. can not exceed 67 characters, 60 characters are recommended. Should contain keywords to position the beginning of the title. It must be unique and descriptive of each page should correspond mainly to the content of the page.

The important thing: The common structure of an SEO title is Primary Keyword + complement + Keyword secondary | Brand Name

Recommended: How to Optimize Blogger Post Titles with H1 Tag.


It is a brief description of the contents of a Blog page and although not position itself can help increase your CTR and this is certainly a factor to improve your SEO On Page.
Search engines do not use keywords or phrases in the description to index, but the meta-descriptions are the main source for the fragment of text that appears in the SERPs.

Recommended: How to use Meta Description to Blogger Blog  with two steps.  

The meta-description tag serves as a “copy” of advertising, attracting readers to your Blog site from the results. Therefore, it is a very important part of search engine marketing.

The development of a readable and attractive description using important keywords (seen as Google “bolds” keywords searched in the description), can increase the CTR.
Learn how a meta-description can attract a lot of traffic .
The Meta description can be any length, but the search engines usually cut from 160 characters.
The important thing: Descriptions inciting click to increase your CTR.


The URL must be descriptive and friendly (SEO-Friendly) so the user and the search engine will know what they will find when you click on the link.

URLs we have to place the keywords that we want to position, no need to match the same Keyword you put in the title. You should play with semantics (important for SEO On Page) and keywords related to your main keyword. URL monitors that do not exceed a certain length, or may become somewhat cumbersome for both users and search engines and this can not help your SEO On Page. To view all URLs on your site uses the Screaming Frog tools, a powerful and free crawler.
Eliminates the stop words (the, of, to a …) to make your shorter and relevant URL.

The important thing: URLs short and include your keyword.
For SEO On Page, headers be treated as if it were a newspaper page. In a written medium we never would see a subhead above a headline, since in this case the same. H1 tags are the holder, the h2 subtitling and so on h6.H2 h3 h1 must be written to improve organic positioning.

The guidelines to follow:

  • There will only be a headline
  • The subheads are always below the holder
  • There may be several types of holders (sub-subheads)
  • The text will always have a relationship with the owner
  • Use the text to link to one of the relevant categories (structure of information focused on improving the SEO On Page).
  • You must use one H1 per page and must be positioned as high as possible as a title or holder.
  • We must take care not Sobre optimiser fact, using the same keyword in many titles. Monitor when there is more than one percentage higher than the average in your niche repetition. The premise should always be natural.
  • Each page should have its own descriptive H1 titles on the content of the particular page. And, whenever possible, they contain any of the target keywords.
  • Optimization of headings should focus on expanding semantically relevant content.

You never insert a label before an h2 h1 and only in cases of very defined and less hierarchical numbering labels to be used and used.
It is advisable to use the main keyword in the h1 and related keywords in h2 and h3 in addition to the text itself.
          <H1> Title </ h1>
          <H2> Subtitle </ h2>
         <H3> Enumeration </ h3>
         <H3> Enumeration </ h3>
         <H2> Subtitle 2 </ h2>
Use the keyword in h1 headers and sub – headers, you should play with synonyms and semantics of the Top Keyword in those headings.


The keywords for which you fighting on that page should appear in the first paragraph or the first 100-150 words if you want to have a real impact on your SEO On Page.
Normally, having the keyword in the top of your page or your post helps improve relevance. Another advantage is that in the excerpt, those keywords if it posted, will appear. So the main category will be strengthened. (The importance of categorization for information structure focused on improving the SEO On Page)
The important thing: We have to make clear to both the user and Google that this text will put the Top Keyword in the first paragraph works.


Accompanying texts with multimedia elements is a very good sign SEO On Page. We enrich our content, made thanking both the user and Google. We can embed videos from youtube and get traffic from the second world’s largest search engine, also part of the vast empire of Google.

Recommended: How to Optimize Blogger Blog Image.

Perform computer graphics, as you see above, they are a great tool to give added value to your content well to get links from sites that choose to use it. The videos help increase user retention rate on your website, very positive to increase in the SERPS effect and, above all, to avoid the pogo-sticking. Use minimum one image per post and supplement it with youtube videos if possible of the blog site.


The ALT attribute is the alternative text of an image. The main function of this attribute is to indicate to blind people what that image is. Many people refer to them as SEO ALT tags.
Although Google is already beginning to recognize certain elements in an image attribute still you need to understand what the image is.
Optimization positioning face images are important. Beyond visits to position ourselves and through the pictures, either through Google images, or the natural results of Google, it will serve to improve the loading speed of the website. Thus, improve the user experience.

Recommended: How to Responsive Blogger Blog Post Image.

Within the optimization, enter many factors such as size, name, format, labels, forms, and so on.
It is recommended that images not exceed 700 KB of weight because slow down the loading of the web too.
The ALT is a place where we can put more key to improving our SEO On Page words.
 You have to put your keyword in the file name as it will be in the URL of the image in the ALT attribute and the Title of the Image.


The keyword density is the ratio of occurrences of a keyword or phrase in the total words that compose a text. For example, for a text of 400 words, if a word appears 20 times, its density is 5%. In this case, take the length of this text and see how many times the word SEO On Page appears, you will see the density of that keyword.

It is recommended to write texts paying attention to keywords obtained in a Keyword Research. It is important that each page has an allocation of keywords for which will compete, in order to avoid cannibalization of Keywords.
While it is important to perform a series of repetitions of keywords, as well as planning the communication strategy of each of the pages, you must always write to our user in a natural and understandable way. To check keyword density I recommend SEOlyze. Do not obsess with having an average of 2%-2.5%, look what the market average with specialized tools and ceñirlo as your metric in that niche.


Good content always comes with a couple of references to give credibility to the claims that are made. You may think that the links only help in SEO Off Page, but it is not. In the SEO On Page also, they carry great weight. When you link to authorities in your niche, you absorb a little of your authority and you implying that have something to do with that niche because, for some reason, are linking. 
The important thing: Links to all that can add value to your users and no links to a lot of No Follow.


Through good architecture of the site content and internal linking architecture, which divided equally or strategically link juice, we will transfer the appropriate value to each of the categories and landings websites. In this way, we will increase the organic positioning (SEO On Page) of these within the Google results pages.
All internal links should transmit link juice and even 90% оf thе “ехtеrnаl оr оutbоund lіnks” shоuld bе Dо Fоllоw (transmitting link juice) To see if a link is no follow уоu tо sеаrсh thе rеl = nоfоllоw іn thе lіnk. Lооk nо rеl = dofollow because if the nofollow does not appear automatically is Do Follow.
The important thing: Employ accurate anchor text (without going over) to enhance the categories that interest us through internal links.


The speed of a website or Blog site is a vital element Google. Faster websites improve user experience, increase user interaction and increase conversions.
Currently, it is considered that the web is rapid if it takes less than 1 second per mega occupying the web.
We can improve the loading speed by performing these actions:
Compressing resources with gzip or deflate, you can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network
Minify CSS
Minify JavaScript
optimize images
Minify HTML
If your site takes longer to load than 1 second per mega it is not helping the SEO On Page of your website.

A loading sрееd іs аlsо саllеd WРО (Wеb Реrfоmаnсе Орtіmіzаtіоn), the hosting you choose is another factor that most weight. Hastings of the most you will hear is Hostgator, Webempresa, iPage … If your site is not charging, you can check whether it is due to a server problem making a pingback from your computer.Two basic tools to check the loading speed are GTmetrix and Pingdom Tools. 

The important thing: Hire a good server and a good plug frisked and minification. Before anything, frisk makes a backup.


Semantics is the order of the day. For Google, a rich and relevant content is one that has different keywords related to the same topic.No longer is one Keyword stuffer throughout the text to try to approach a high keyword density. The repetition of a Keyword is important, though, to have its due effect must be accompanied by other semantically related keywords.
Avoid repeating your keyword to increase keyword density. Use synonyms and talk about related issues. The car of Google Suggest can be of help to find related topics.


It is important to clarify: Google does not penalize a little content, nor has guidelines on the maximum or minimum length of a content.
We also need to bear in mind that with only three lines, Google can find little relevance in that content.
Generally, much longer (without going crazy) is a content, more subtopics the same topic can comment and, therefore, increase the relevance of the main theme.
Do not forget to mark your most important words in bold or italics.
The SEMRush tool can be a great ally when it comes to finding ideas to generate your content. In the blog of Luis Villanueva (LuisVillanueva), Miguel Florido and José Facchin several interesting tips to use SEMRush counted, the visit is almost obligatory.
One trick that performs certain SEO is to go every so often adding a paragraph and go freshening the date of publication so that Google considers that this site has fresh content.

The important thing: Not to be a factor in itself, but studies show that longer is better-positioned text.


Interactions increasingly gain more weight. For this reason, we must provide the user the ability to share our pages on social networks.
Social interactions give us credibility and can lead a significant amount of traffic if properly work.
The important thing: Create a Social Media strategy, many tools allow the automation of various tasks that can save us.
All these actions are essential when starting any SEO strategy. Once we have improved these elements must address all issues that have to do with SEO Off Page, ie, with the popularity of the web.

Recommended: How to add Social Media Widget in Blogger Blog.

If you are looking for an online marketing agency to improve SEO On Page of your website you’ve come to the right place, in this article we have specialized in SEO professionals to help you resolve any questions you have.


The first thing you should know about this section is that Google does not read for years that the meta-tag keywords. Despite that, it is advisable to use as Bing and Yahoo itself who read it.
Some plugins use the meta keyword optimization to analyze internal page on that particular page.If you use SEO Yoast, use that label to follow the advice it gives you the plugin when optimizing each page.


It is the part of On Page SEO. A 301 redirect is used to tell the browser that URL no longer exists and that the page has been moved to another URL. There are different types of redirections: 301,404, 302, 307 … 302 and 307 Redirects are temporary redirections that indicate temporarily the content is not on that page but in a limited period of time becomes active. Currently, the 302 redirect is outdated and should use the 307 for these issues.
What is the difference, in the eyes of Google, a redirect 301, 302 or 307? Well, that temporary redirects do not pass authority and the 301 itself. A very common error when migrating URL is using temporary redirects, this translates into a drop in rankings.
Another very common case where you should use a 301 redirect is a web migration. If we change the URLs or domain and do a 301 redirect forget about all your authority and your rankings in Google.
Still, the 301s are to be the last resort to use because despite that cross authority, do not pass all the authority of your old page. In a case-study, a few weeks ago in Moz, it was shown as the misuse of 301s produced a progressive fall of 15% of its traffic whenever using this resource .

Recommended: How to Create Error 404 Not Found Page in Blogger Blog.


This element is more typical of the E-commerce but if we have the web must not forget the rel = canonical. The rel = canonical used to indicate to Google that a page is the same as another (at which point the canonical). It is an element widely used in the e-commerce’s to avoid duplication of content.

When we see a product and decided to see the colors in this, carvings, stamping … It is very common to see that there is a URL for each of these variables and how to prevent Google considers that there are 20 pages with the same content is through the rel = canonical.
In some cases, this label can also be used when we want to use a news of a third party (always quoting it) on our website, with the canonical indicate that it is not duplicate content.
 Use the rel = canonical tag to avoid duplicate content, especially if you have an E-commerce.


Another basic aspects SEO web must have all or yes is sitemap.xml. The sitemap is a file that search engines read to keep all your web pages indexed and updated.
Having the updated file is important so that Google has in its index your pages updated.
Yoast SEO plugin will create multiple sitemaps: one page, other posts, tags .
Just create your web project, create your sitemap.xml to have your files updated in the index.


The Custom robots.txt file and robots meta-tag used to indicate to search engines pages to crawl and which not.
For accessibility, it is important to know that the spider Google can access and index the page. If Google can not access in the Google index will not appear.
After reading this guide, you should be aware of how important it is to optimize your website as it can help you increase your visibility and thus your traffic, your leads and customers.

Do not block pages in robots.txt and not going to be blocked by the meta-tag robots and vice versa.

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