Best Autotune Apps & Software for iOS & Android

The good news is that you have access to this almost magical technology. These are some of the best apps to automatically tune your (already beautiful) voice at home. We’ve picked some of the best Autotune apps out there today and a writer with a great singing voice to check them out.

Some offer pitch correction in the free app version, while others require a purchase or subscription to unlock that feature. Let’s check if these apps can stand up to voice abuse and we let them sing songs that can get you a spot on The Voice.

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What Is Auto-Tune?

Auto-Tune is an audio processing technology and software application used to correct or manipulate the pitch of a vocalist or instrumental performance in music production. It was developed by Antares Audio Technologies, and its primary function is pitch correction.

Here’s how Auto-Tune generally works:

Pitch Correction:

  • Auto-Tune detects the pitch of an incoming audio signal (such as a vocal performance) and compares it to a user-defined scale or musical grid.
  • If the detected pitch deviates from the desired pitch, Auto-Tune automatically adjusts it to the nearest correct pitch according to the specified parameters.

Real-Time Processing:

  • Auto-Tune is often used in real-time during recording or live performances, allowing artists and producers to achieve the desired pitch correction immediately.

Artistic Effects:

  • While initially designed for pitch correction, Auto-Tune has become popular for its use as a creative tool. The deliberate exaggeration of pitch correction has led to the recognizable “Auto-Tune effect,” characterized by a robotic or synthesized sound. This effect has been widely used in various genres of music for artistic expression.

Versions and Settings:

  • Auto-Tune software comes in different versions, each offering various features and levels of control. Users can adjust settings such as the speed of correction, the scale of correction, and the response time, allowing for customization based on the specific needs of the musical piece.

Controversy and Popularity:

  • Auto-Tune has been a subject of both praise and criticism. While some appreciate its ability to correct pitch inaccuracies and achieve a polished sound, others argue that its overuse, especially in the form of the distinctive Auto-Tune effect, can lead to a loss of natural expression in music.

Overall, Auto-Tune has had a significant impact on the music industry, influencing the sound of numerous recordings and contributing to the evolution of contemporary music production.

Auto-tune Vs. Voice Changers

Auto-Tune and voice changers are both audio processing tools, but they serve different purposes and are used in distinct ways:


  1. Purpose:
    • Auto-Tune is primarily designed for pitch correction in vocal and instrumental performances. Its main function is to adjust the pitch of a recording to correct inaccuracies and bring it in line with a specified musical scale.
    • It is commonly used to enhance the tuning of vocals in a subtle manner, making the performance sound more polished and in tune.
  2. Usage:
    • Auto-tune is often used in real-time during recording or live performances, allowing artists to achieve pitch correction immediately.
    • While it was initially created for corrective purposes, the distinctive Auto-Tune effect, characterized by exaggerated pitch correction, has become a stylistic choice in some music genres.

Voice Changers:

  1. Purpose:
    • Voice changers are designed to modify the natural sound of a voice intentionally, often for creative or entertainment purposes.
    • Unlike Auto-Tune, which focuses on pitch correction, voice changers can alter various aspects of a voice, including pitch, tone, timbre, and even gender, to create different and often humorous effects.
  2. Usage:
    • Voice changers are commonly used in entertainment, gaming, and audio production where altering the voice is desired for a specific effect or character.
    • They can be software-based or hardware devices and allow users to transform their voices in real-time or post-production.


  • Auto-tune is primarily associated with pitch correction, ensuring that vocals or instruments are in tune with a specified musical scale.
  • Voice changers, on the other hand, provide a broader range of modifications beyond pitch, allowing for creative and often whimsical transformations of a voice.


  • While Auto-Tune is not inherently a voice changer, the exaggerated use of Auto-Tune for creative purposes can sometimes produce effects that resemble aspects of voice changing.
  • Some voice changers may also include pitch correction features, but their primary focus is on altering the voice for entertainment purposes rather than achieving subtle pitch correction.

In summary, Auto-Tune is primarily a tool for pitch correction in music, while voice changers are versatile tools designed to intentionally modify and transform the natural characteristics of a voice for creative and entertainment purposes.

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Best Apps to Auto-Tune Your Voice

These applications offer a convenient and user-friendly way to enhance vocal performances, turning ordinary singing into studio-quality masterpieces. Let’s explore some of the leading players in this genre available on both the Google Play Store and iOS.

1. Starmaker: Sing Karaoke Songs

Starmaker stands out as a versatile app that goes beyond simple auto-tuning. Its extensive library of karaoke songs allows users to showcase their vocal talents across various genres. The user interface is intuitive, providing a seamless experience for users of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned vocalist or a beginner, Starmaker offers a platform for everyone to shine.

Features and Functionality

Starmaker boasts an array of features, including real-time pitch correction, voice effects, and the ability to collaborate with other users. The app’s popularity is evident in its positive reviews and high ratings on both the Google Play Store and iOS.

User Interface and Experience

Navigating through Starmaker is a breeze, thanks to its well-designed interface. Users can easily access their favorite songs, customize their vocal effects, and share their creations with the Starmaker community.

Compatibility with Google Play Store & iOS

Whether you’re an Android or iOS user, Starmaker caters to both platforms, ensuring a broad user base and a diverse community of music enthusiasts.

2. AutoRap by Smule

For those with a penchant for rap and hip-hop, AutoRap by Smule offers a unique twist to the auto-tune experience. This app allows users to turn their spoken words into rap verses, complete with professional-sounding beats.

Highlighting Unique Features

AutoRap’s standout feature is its ability to transform speech into rap, opening up new creative avenues for users. The app’s innovative approach has garnered praise and recognition within the music community.

User Reviews and Ratings

Taking a glance at user reviews provides valuable insights into AutoRap’s impact. Users appreciate the app’s versatility and its role in making rap accessible to a wider audience. With high ratings on both the Google Play Store and iOS, AutoRap has established itself as a go-to app for rap enthusiasts.

Availability on Google Play Store & iOS

AutoRap’s availability on both major platforms ensures that users across the mobile spectrum can partake in the joy of turning everyday speech into rhythmic verses.

3. Tune Me

Tune Me caters to the Android community, offering a unique set of features that set it apart from its counterparts on the Google Play Store.

Overview of Features and Capabilities

Tune Me provides users with real-time pitch correction, allowing them to achieve the desired vocal effects. While exclusive to Android users, Tune Me has garnered a dedicated user base seeking professional-sounding auto-tuned vocals.

Google Play Exclusivity

Being exclusive to the Google Play Store doesn’t hinder Tune Me’s popularity; rather, it ensures a focused user community that appreciates its features tailored specifically for Android devices.

4. Voloco Auto Vocal Tune Studio

Voloco takes a holistic approach, combining auto-tuning capabilities with a vocal studio experience. This app, available on both Google Play and iOS, offers a comprehensive set of tools for users to experiment with their vocal creativity.

Discussing Key Attributes

Voloco provides not only auto-tuning but also a range of vocal effects and studio-like enhancements. Users can explore different styles and experiment with their vocal identity, making it a favorite among those looking for a multifaceted app.

Cross-Platform Availability on Google Play & iOS

Voloco’s cross-platform availability ensures that users on both major mobile operating systems can enjoy its features, contributing to its widespread popularity.

When choosing a mobile auto-tune app, users often find themselves torn between options. Let’s break down the features, pros, and cons of each app to help you make an informed decision.

Starmaker vs. AutoRap vs. Tune Me vs. Voloco

Criteria Starmaker AutoRap Tune Me Voloco
Features Extensive library, collaboration Speech-to-rap, professional beats Real-time pitch correction Auto-tune, vocal effects, studio enhancements
User Ratings High ratings on both platforms Positive reviews, high ratings Dedicated Android user base Broad appeal on Google Play & iOS
Platform Google Play & iOS Google Play & iOS Google Play exclusive Cross-platform availability
Uniqueness Karaoke focus Speech-to-rap innovation Android exclusivity Studio-like enhancements

Impact on the Music Industry

The influence of mobile auto-tune apps extends beyond individual users, reaching the broader music industry. These apps have become integral tools for both amateur musicians seeking a creative outlet and professionals looking to experiment with vocal styles.

Influence on Amateur and Professional Artists

Mobile auto-tune apps provide a platform for aspiring artists to hone their skills and gain exposure. Professionals, on the other hand, leverage these tools for creative experimentation and quick vocal enhancements during the production process.

Integration with Mainstream Music Production

Many mainstream artists have embraced the convenience and creativity offered by mobile auto-tune apps. The integration of these apps into professional music production speaks volumes about their impact on shaping contemporary musical trends.

Trends and Popularity

The usage patterns and popularity of mobile auto-tune apps vary across demographics, reflecting the diverse appeal of these applications.

Current Trends in Mobile Auto-Tune App Usage

The current trend indicates a surge in users exploring auto-tune apps for recreational purposes, with an increasing number of younger users engaging in creative vocal expression.

Popularity Among Different Age Groups

While younger users dominate the user base, auto-tune apps are gaining traction among older demographics seeking a novel way to engage with music and express their artistic side.

Creativity and Expression

The true beauty of mobile auto-tune apps lies in their ability to unlock creativity and provide a platform for unique self-expression.

How These Apps Enhance User Creativity

From turning everyday speech into rap verses to experimenting with vocal effects, these apps empower users to unleash their creative potential. The user-friendly interfaces and diverse features encourage a broad spectrum of musical expression.

Encouraging Self-Expression Through Music

Whether you’re a professional looking to add a unique touch to your vocals or a hobbyist exploring the joy of musical expression, auto-tune apps cater to a wide audience, fostering a sense of creativity and self-expression.

Challenges and Limitations

While mobile auto-tune apps offer a plethora of benefits, they are not without their challenges. Users and developers alike have reported certain limitations that impact the overall experience.

Technical Limitations of Mobile Auto-Tune Apps

The inherent constraints of mobile devices, such as processing power and memory, can pose challenges for achieving intricate vocal effects. Users may encounter limitations in achieving highly nuanced results compared to professional studio setups.

User-Reported Challenges and Issues

Common user-reported challenges include occasional glitches, latency issues, and variations in app performance across different devices. Addressing these concerns remains crucial for developers to enhance user satisfaction.

Future Developments

The world of mobile auto-tune apps is dynamic, with developers constantly innovating to bring new features and improvements to users.

As technology evolves, we can expect more sophisticated algorithms and real-time processing capabilities, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in terms of vocal enhancement.

Future updates may introduce enhanced collaboration features, expanded libraries, and improved user customization options. Keeping an eye on app developments ensures users stay at the forefront of these exciting advancements.

User Tips and Tricks

To make the most of your mobile auto-tune experience, consider these tips and tricks for optimal usage.

Advice for Optimal Use of Auto-Tune Apps

  1. Experiment with different vocal effects to discover your unique sound.
  2. Collaborate with other users to explore new musical dimensions.
  3. Use the app’s tutorials to master advanced features and techniques.
  4. Regularly update the app to access the latest features and improvements.

Creative Ways to Explore Musical Potential

  1. Combine auto-tuned vocals with instrumental tracks for a personalized composition.
  2. Participate in app-based challenges and competitions to showcase your talent.
  3. Share your creations on social media platforms to connect with a wider audience.

Community and Collaboration

One of the key strengths of mobile auto-tune apps lies in the sense of community they foster among users.

Discussing User Communities Within Each App

Starmaker, AutoRap, Tune Me, and Voloco all host vibrant user communities where individuals share their creations, provide feedback, and collaborate on projects. Joining these communities enhances the overall app experience.

Opportunities for Collaboration Among Users

Collaborating with fellow users opens up opportunities to create unique musical pieces, expanding your creative horizons. The supportive nature of these communities encourages users to share tips, tricks, and collaborative projects.

Security and Privacy Concerns

While enjoying the creative potential of auto-tune apps, it’s essential to be aware of potential security and privacy considerations.

Addressing Common Concerns Regarding User Data

Before using any app, review its privacy policy to understand how your data is handled. Stick to reputable apps with transparent data practices to ensure a secure experience.

App Permissions and Privacy Policies

Be mindful of the permissions required by auto-tune apps. Only grant access to essential features and consider adjusting app settings for enhanced privacy.


In conclusion, mobile auto-tune apps have revolutionized the way we engage with music, democratizing access to vocal enhancement tools. From the karaoke-focused Starmaker to the rap-centric AutoRap, the Android-exclusive Tune Me, and the versatile Voloco, users have a plethora of options to explore and express their musical creativity.

As we look to the future, anticipated advancements promise even more exciting possibilities for users to elevate their vocal performances. Embrace the world of mobile auto-tune apps, and let your musical journey unfold.

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