Best WordPress Popup Plugins Your WordPress Website [Top 10]

WordPress popup plugins are tools that allow you to create and display popups on your WordPress website. Popups can be used for various purposes, such as capturing email leads, promoting special offers, displaying announcements, and more.

A good WordPress popup plugin helps you convert website visitors into email subscribers and paying customers.

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There are dozens of WordPress popup plugins that can help you improve conversion rates. However, most of them will either slow down your website, offer incorrect statistics, or worse.

In this article, we will compare the most popular WordPress popup plugins on the market, so you can see which is the best WordPress popup plugin.

8 Best WordPress Popup Plugins in 2023


OptinMonster is a powerful lead generation tool that allows you to create various types of popups, including lightbox popups, floating bars, slide-ins, and more. It also offers features such as exit-intent technology and A/B testing.

Elementor Popup Builder:

Elementor is a popular page builder plugin, and it comes with a built-in Popup Builder. You can design and customize popups using the same drag-and-drop interface that Elementor provides for page building.

Thrive Leads:

Thrive Leads is a conversion-focused plugin that enables you to create various types of opt-in forms, including popups. It offers advanced targeting options, A/B testing, and reporting features to help you optimize your lead generation efforts.

Popup Maker:

Popup Maker is a versatile plugin that allows you to create popups with ease. It provides a user-friendly interface and supports various trigger options, including time-delayed, scroll-triggered, and exit-intent popups.


Hustle is an all-in-one marketing plugin that includes features for popups, slide-ins, and embeddable opt-in forms. It also supports various social sharing options and integrates with popular email marketing services.


Sumo offers a suite of marketing tools, and one of its features is a customizable popup builder. It provides templates, A/B testing, and targeting options to help you grow your email list and increase conversions.

Ninja Popups:

Ninja Popups is a feature-rich popup plugin that includes a wide range of customization options. It supports various popup types, including exit popups, slide-ins, and social popups. It also integrates with popular email marketing services.

Popup Domination:

Popup Domination focuses on helping you build your email list through visually appealing popups. It offers customizable templates, A/B testing, and analytics to track the performance of your popups.

Before choosing a plugin, consider your specific needs, such as the types of popups you want to create, targeting options, and integration with other tools. Additionally, check for compatibility with your WordPress theme and other plugins to ensure a smooth user experience on your website.

3 Things to Watch Out for with WordPress Popup Plugins

While WordPress popup plugins can be powerful tools for engaging visitors and increasing conversions, there are certain aspects you should be cautious about. Here are three things to watch out for:

User Experience (UX):

Poorly designed or overly intrusive popups can negatively impact the user experience on your website. Make sure that your popups are well-designed, visually appealing, and not too disruptive. Avoid using too many popups or ones that are difficult to close, as this can frustrate visitors and lead them to leave your site.

Mobile Responsiveness:

Many users browse websites on mobile devices, so it’s crucial that your popups are mobile-responsive. Some plugins may not handle mobile displays well, leading to issues like distorted layouts or difficulty in closing popups on smaller screens. Test your popups on various devices to ensure they provide a seamless experience across different screen sizes.

Performance Impact:

Certain popup plugins, especially those with extensive features and animations, can impact the performance of your website. Slow-loading pages can lead to a higher bounce rate and lower search engine rankings. Choose a plugin that is optimized for performance, and be mindful of the file sizes and loading times associated with your popups. Additionally, consider using lazy loading for popups to minimize their impact on initial page load times.

What to look for in a WordPress Popup Plugin

Popup plugins offer many features — from customization to screen display locations and built-in analytics — but the most important features to watch out for are targeting and trigger options.

Targeting refers to where on your website the popup will appear and to whom it will be shown. Popular ways to target users with popups include page-level targeting, geolocation, device, and traffic source.

Triggers are actions that a user must take to cause the popup to appear. Popular trigger options include page entry, scroll depth, click, time on page, and exit intent.

Conclusion: Which is The Best WordPress Popup Plugin?

Considering the criteria we set up, OptinMonster comes up as the best WordPress popup plugin. It is the fastest popup builder and comes with incredible tools to boost conversion rates.

It is also the easiest to use, with beautiful popup templates and a powerful drag-and-drop editor. It works with all popular CRMs, email marketing platforms, the best WordPress form plugins, custom HTML forms, and more.

Showing your popups at the right time to the right users is what makes them more effective. OptinMonster includes powerful page-level targeting options, personalization, and event-based triggers.

If you are running an eCommerce store, then we would recommend OptinMonster + TrustPulse. This allows you to maximize conversions with social proof and OptinMonster’s powerful cart abandonment features.

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